Friday, March 19, 2010

Diemen, 19 March 2010, 1:55 A.M

My words and my stories is all that I have left. Writing is all I have left. Tonight is another silent night. Home alone. No one to talk to and no one that I could even ask how their day was. No one special to share my day with. All I have is just me and my cat. Anyways, as the evening sky turn darker and the wind blow stronger, I wished to the wind to take my mellow mood away. I decided to write my day and my thoughts instead, since there is no one to talk to. But I’ll talk to you. Yes, you who ever you are the one that is reading this piece and thank you for reading. This is the first time I shared my day in an obvious way. So I hope you can read through it and I really appreciate it. Big love to you and keep on reading my next entries.

Human. No wonder human is called a social being. It is a fact we can’t live by ourselves. We need someone else to be part of our life. Be grateful if you have a person to share your day with. Don’t think that I am an unsocial kind because I’m talking about this. I do have friends. I have people to talk to –supposedly-. But yeah life do change. It seem the older we get, we have different priority in life. People have jobs; people have their priorities that they spend most of their times with. Mine is my dissertation proposal. Yes, that is what I'm currently busiest with. Supposedly. Not something that I can talk about now or even want to talk about. I’ve been taking care of it for the whole day. I guess it will be nice not to talk about it here, don’t you agree?

Anyways letting someone know how my day was or share my day with is a necessity for me. Why? Because we are human. By the end what ever you feel, you will feel the urge to share it. Either by telling, debating about it or even just to have someone sit next to you in silent. But how do you share it and with whom, will all depends on how the heart and brain wish you to do it with and how. A right and comfortable company. By the end it all depends on you. Yes we need someone. We need another person to relate to.

Once you had a bad day you intend to search for someone even more. Either to talk or someone who you wish could make you smile and tell you your day is not that bad and that you are not alone. Someone your heart feels comfortable with. A nice statement just to give you comfort. In this kind of day I wish for that the most. Yes finding someone to understand the burden in your heart is not easy. You need someone that you can feel comfortable with. You need someone that your heart feels warmth. Someone who knows you well. There is always a certain someone or a certain amount that you are willing to share. Everything should be right in order to open the gate of waste in your heart. But in these busy days or also known as workdays, I don't have that option. I don’t have the guts to bother someone’s life while they have more important things to do and ask them to talk to me instead. No I’m not that kind of person who could do so. So I swallow this day whole and I spill it here. haha

But to be honest, most of the times I really don’t mind being alone. I used to enjoy my time alone. I could stay in my room for weeks and only come out to the grocery store, the city once and a while just to buy a cup of coffee in the station and/or school. My Indonesian friends, well most of them went back for good to Indonesia and the ones left are the ones that got a job to think about on day time and rest in silence on the evening. So back to me alone. Yeah so all I can do is find something to distract my self on daytime and figure something fun in the evening. Celebrate my days by walking around to the city when the sun is shinning with enough money for a cup of coffee and stay inside the house when the sky is gray. Watching people in the city is one of the things that could cheer me up. Knowing that I’m not alone.

But here is the general idea of what happen today.

Somehow today it didn’t went well. My heart ache, my tooth aches and my head ache. I have acid in my belly for almost a week now and it’s not getting any better. All I want to do today was lie on my bed, which It is not an option to do for now. School stuffs come first. As I’m powering through school obligation issue, my laptop starts to acting up. The Microsoft word won’t work. It suddenly shut down on me and all those things that I wrote just magically vanish. All I can do is hold my breath as it happened and try to re-open the software. But all I got is another rejection from my Microsoft word. My jaw drop. What I typed for hours just flew out of the window. Run free I’ll never see it again. Unless my word work and me typing it all back. Stupid me for not saving it. so clumsy of me like always. Well at least it is not all gone. I thank god for Bill Gates inventing the auto save. So I have some parts rescued. I hope. All I need is this word thing to work. Even now I can’t opened it. So I decided to write my story instead. I always write my blog in word and I copied it to my blog pages. But I guess I don’t have any option for today. So I just go ahead and write in this blog page. So I apologize for the grammar or misspelling that I do.

So that is just some part of my day. Not as bad as I thought after I read it. It is only a bump on the road. I can get through of it of course. I just feel like writing actually. I just feel like talking about it somehow. I actually wish to laugh about it. But yeah what is wishful thinking if it is all in the past. What had happen, happened and what is done, well it is done. I guess it s caused by not having anyone to talk to today. All I want is to tell what kind of day that I had and that’s it. This blog doesn’t have any specific story like I used to write or a hidden message in it. It is just a story of today. I need to spill it out. I’m sorry I can’t take it. It’s just too much lately. I had a half-week full of drama already. I just have to spill the a light rain to the world to release the some weight in my heart and brain. Sound selfish but hey it’s my blog and I’m human I guess I am entitled and have the right to write whatever and it shouldn’t matter how long it is as well.. haha. Well hope you all enjoy me mocking my Thursday. Wish me a better day tomorrow. Hope the stars are all align for me tomorrow. A brighter day and a brighter heart and enjoy my day with a smile even though I’ll be walking through my day alone.

Thank you for reading my day. Stay tune. Tomorrow story will be better. At least it won’t be this personal. A riddle to someone special will be included I think. Well will just see how the day go tomorrow. I hope it will be fun. Nity nite readers.