Sunday, February 21, 2010

hmmmff..ramble rumble mumble..

People believe that the only person that you can depend on is yourself. I know it’s true. Recently I’m juggling a thousand balls. Each week the world starts to throw a new ball at me. Now all I know everything is cluttered. I lost my rhythm. I lost my skills to juggle these balls up and down circling in the air. I wish I could find a way to do this. I think I know how. Yes I know how. But where do I start?

I never ever wanted to disappoint people around me. They cheered me up for my own good. They did their best. But where is my best? Why do i feel my best is never enough? I used to manage to keep things in order. I used to manage to keep everyone happy. Be there for them to talk to, to hug, to hand them a tissue and give them a support. But every single time I do what I wanted to do I end up disappointing myself caused by disappointing others. My decision for myself is most of the time out point. If I were to throw a ball to my future, I would miss the target for most of it. Once I hit on point -for what I thought it was for my sake- it ends up as a wrong decision for me and affect the others. People might say then don’t give a f**k what people say. Just keep on doing it, you’ll get a hold of it. Then again I keep thinking I can’t and people could. but one thing that I always wonder, they might say they care about me, by the end they could put themselves first. They just know when to save themselves first. But why can I?

All I know I’m starting from zero. Well I don’t have as bad luck as many people in the world. I know, I could survive. I know I will. But what I envy them the most is they do have someone to be there for them on their good and on their bad, 110% always on their side. I wish I had them. They know they have one person who will always pray for them every single day. I know that we have to finish our businesses on our own. But god do I wish there is someone out there who would hold my hand in my good and in my bad.

Be grateful for the person sitting next to you through out your journey. Be grateful for the people who would always be there when you drop a tear on your face. Be grateful for the people that hold your hand and could see how fragile you are. Not so often people in the world have someone who would stand next to you without a single drop of a feeling to give up on you. Once you have someone who would stand still do what you got to do and be sure to do the same to the one person next to you. You just don’t know how it feels to stand on the battle field all by yourself over and over unless you can turn yourself into a fighter, a pure survivor in one day. I even believe every single fighter in the world wanted a place, a one person they could call home.

Friday, February 12, 2010

my dear story, blood and poisonous heart.

I thought that I couldn’t fall deeper than before. The tunnel is getting deeper and deeper by the day. I thought I found my way out. Rising, crawling and searching my way out for a light of happiness. But somehow, this quick sand is dragging me deeper and deeper to the bottom. I wish I could breath. I wish I could find a way to hold on to maybe a black vine. My hand keeps on reaching hoping for something to come my way. Drag me to the surface something or someone. I need air I need light. This lethal poison is eating me day by day. Oh yes I wish I were strong. I wish god still hear my cries and prays. I wish someone will hold my hand and fight by my side. Help me I wanted to breath. I want to find my way out. I’m giving up. I’m cold. I’m surrendering my self to the darkness. What will come out of this life for me? As people started to walk. I’m crawling backwards. I’m giving up. Hold my hand please when you said you love me, dear thorn. Life is bitter as it is. I thought we are drinking the same poison, why am I sinking faster and you are reaching your way out. Why am I still here as you found your way out?

Dear blood you are bringing your own sun to warm you, instead of taking me with you. Dear poisonous blood, as my heart explodes will you be far away from here without remembering what I told you. Forgetting what I’m going through. Will you just walk away with an excuse that you did this for me. I can’t see which part of this is mine. Which part except hoping me to be strong for you, being there for you, holding your hand and protecting you from the evil faces are any advantages of mine except it is all my sacrifice for your arrogant life.

Am I looking at this flat surface as a maze? Or is it true my life is tangled? Am I making my life difficult? What should I actually feel? What should I actually do? All I see are puzzles, riddles, questions and pieces. I keep pouring my sacrifices, keeping me deeper and deeper in the room without oxygen. I cry below and I cry above. Which path should I follow? I’m getting lost in my own mistakes, sacrifices, decisions, illusions and heart. I am swallowed deeper and deeper in my own heart. I need you my poison. I need you to hold my hand. I need you to breath air and give me some sun light. Life is getting colder and colder each day. I need warmth. I need to be safe. I need a way out.

The curtain is closing. Everything is getting darker and darker my dear story. Everything seems out of my reach. One day my song will be sung and I’ll find my way to stand. I know I will. When I do, I’ll make sure you are with me, dear story. Coz you’ll remind me of my 20 darkest times. When I breathe light and when I touch the sun I will be thankful and grateful for the strength I have. Not because of you dear wound, but it’s all because I can.